Catégorie : ANGLAIS

The February questions…

The deadline is Thursday, March 8th. So hurry up and go to the school library before that date!

The winners for the January questions are…

JACQUEMIN Coline 5e A BORROD Robin 4e B ARNAL Juliette 3e C   Congratulations to them and to the participants!

The January questions on the ‘I Love English’ magazine

And the winners of the December questions are…

The winners are: Vanessa RENAUD (6e C) Pauline VERE (5e A) Lucie HUGON (5e A) Congratulations to them and to all the participants!

An English breakfast with American pancakes and maple syrup

Ce matin, à 8h30, les 5e étaient conviés à un petit déjeuner anglais avec une petite touche américaine. Au menu, des œufs brouillés (scrambled eggs), du bacon, des champignons (mushrooms), des haricots en sauce (baked beans), des toasts avec de la marmelade ou du beurre, des pancakes au sirop d’érable (maple syrup) et comme boissons, …

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The ‘I Love English’ magazine: December questions

You have until Thursday, December 21st to answer the three questions to be one of the winners! So don’t hesitate and go to the school library!

And the winners of the November quiz are…

VIELLE Manon 6e A GAUTHIER Mathilde 5eA BORROD Robin 4eB Congratulations to them all!

The ‘I Love English’ questions are at the school library !

You have two weeks left to answer these very easy questions! So just go to the library and play !

and the winners are…

The winners of the ‘I Love English’ questions are: GROTINO Chloé (6eB) CADIEUX Colin (5e A) RAVIER Myriam (5e A) Congratulations to them and all the participants!

The October questions on the ‘I Love English’ magazine

Les questions portant sur le magazine d’octobre sont affichées. Comme le mois passé, rendez-vous au CDI pour mettre vos bulletins réponses dans l’urne. Venez nombreux.